News & Announcements
With the creation of the new Department of Higher Education and Training (DoHET) and the accompanying shifts in emphasis, the higher education sector is at a cross-road. This was considered an opportune time for the Council on Higher Education’s consultative conference to identify and discuss proposals to address major challenges facing the sector. The goal of the consultative conference was to formulate a coherent sector response to these major challenges and to questions of policy direction.
The annual consultative conference of the Council on Higher Education (CHE) was held at the CHE offices in Pretoria, on the 21 October 2009. It was attended by vice-chancellors or their representatives from the 23 public universities, representatives of four private higher education institutions, representatives of other sector bodies and interest groups, the members of the Council of the CHE and the Board of the Higher Education Quality Committee, and senior members of staff from the CHE.