2nd National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Research Conference, Johannesburg, 4-6 March 2013

Conference theme:  Building articulation and integration

SAQA recently hosted the 2nd NQF Research Conference on building articulation and integration in the system for education, training, development and work in South Africa. The conference builds on the outcomes of the 1st NQF Research Conference: Towards a map of NQF-related research (Kopanong, Johannesburg, 2010) which focused on understanding the NQF in the context of the then new NQF Act, and building communities of associated research practice. SAQA's first five long-term research partnerships have been completed or are in the process of drawing successfully to a close. Considerable effort is being taken to ensure that the insights and outputs emanating from the projects are fed effectively into policy and practice. Two second-round partnerships have begun. As SAQA takes up new research in its attempts to understand the effectiveness of the NQF and how to enhance systemic integration and articulation, it seeks to expand its research model to include a wider range of Higher Education Institutions and a greater number of researchers.

Purposes of the conference

The conference provides for show-casing NQF-relevant research, and encouraging the involvement of a wider range of NQF organisations in SAQA’s research partnerships; its purposes are to:

  • expand communities of NQF-research practice
  • share NQF-related research and build shared understanding of the NQF as a relational device
  • Provide dedicated opportunities to expand NQF research partnerships and related collaborations

Conference themes

The themes of the conference are organised into four streams:

  • Articulation - What do current conceptualizations of articulation; current instances of successful articulation; and articulation possibilities look like? How do these instances compare with past possibilities; are we moving in the right direction?
  • The role of Career Advice Services in enhancing articulation - What do maximally inclusive and appropriately differentiated practical models for learning and careers counselling (including those already developed) look like? What are the effects of SAQA's current career development initiatives? Is career advice enhancing systemic articulation?
  • Inclusivity and articulation - Physical and epistemological access, alternative access, redress, Credit Accumulation Transfer arrangements, learner support – how are associated initiatives assisting articulation? How do we include those outside the system, who need or desire to be within it?
  • Educational quality - what is the quality and the role of quality South African qualifications and learning pathways in a fully articulated system? To what extent are learners in the country educated and equipped for the world of work, participation in society, and decent lives?

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Kopanong Conference Centre, Johannesburg