Latest News
Kindly click on the following link to access and download the "CHE Statement on the audit outcomes of the University of South Africa (UNISA)"
To: Public and Private Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of South Africa
Subject: Extension of the concession for programmes accredited for the contact mode of provisioning to continue…
Message by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) South Africa in celebration of Youth Day on June 16, 2023
2023 Youth Month theme: “Accelerating youth economic emancipation for a sustainable future”
Kindly click on the following link to access our latest Communiqué 4 of 2023: Communique 4 of 2023_Reminder on regulatory requirements for HE qualifications.pdf
Latest Publications
Student engagement in quality assurance and promotion in higher education
Higher Education Monitor No 15 Perspective on the Possible Future of Higher education in South Africa in the Era of COVID-19 - Download here: PUB_HE…