Latest News

The Council on Higher Education (CHE) noted with sadness the recent passing of Professor Chabani Manganyi, a former chairperson of the CHE.  Read the full statement: Council on Higher Education Statement on…
The Council on Higher Education (CHE) announces the release of the Draft Good Practice Guide on Honorary Degrees and Professorships (the Draft Good Practice Guide) and invites comments and feedback towards…
SAQAN Announces the Launch of the SAQAN Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education  The Southern African Quality Assurance Network (SAQAN) is excited to announce the launch of the SAQAN Journal for…
Esteemed Stakeholder, The CHE hereby announces that its next Higher Education Conference will take place from 26 - 28 February 2025 in Gauteng Province at a venue that will be confirmed soon. The conference…

Latest Publications

Click here to access and download: Draft Good Practice Guide on Articulation into and within Higher Education
This Briefly Speaking looks into how the Research Output Policy (DHET, 2015) is being implemented and the implications thereof. This policy, like the…
The Latin term viva voce means "the living voice". The oral examination of a thesis for a doctoral degree is thus seen to be a more 'living'…